OCR Output

or Ramesses III. Although he would seem to be a good candidate as the owner of the
Hanover stele, the identity of the titles is still not a firm basis for supporting this
theory without further evidence.

III.33. Hesiefshemsunesu

Date: early 19" dynasty (based on the stylistic criteria of the shabti)
Genealogy: unknown

Tomb: unknown

Remains: — shabti, Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, CI 3-b
Functional titles: wb3 nswt

wb3 nswt w‘b “.wj

An elaborated, painted wooden shabti, now placed in Leiden (CI 3-b), depicts wb3 nswt
wb “wj ‘royal wb3 clean of hands’ Hesiefshemsunesu. The provenance of the object is not
recorded, there is no more information on the life or activity of the owner than his title
appearing three times on the shabti. Based on the double wig and the characteristic pleated
daily dress he is wearing, Hesiefshemsunesu can be dated to the early 19"" dynasty.4 On
the dress on the back and sides of the shabti, Chapter 6 of the Book of the Dead can be read.

III.34. Hesinetjeref

Date: 19'* dynasty (based on the stylistic criteria of the statue)
Genealogy: unknown
Tomb: most likely in Thebes
Remains: — block statue, Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 569
— funerary cone DM 209
— funerary cone DM 545
Functional titles: wb3 nswt
wb3 n nswt

wb3 n nswt w°b “.wj

Jmj-r3 jp.t nswt

@4 Schneider, 1977, Shabtis I, 206; Shabtis II, 55.