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of the stele, the figures of Kasa and his wife, Kemi are sítting facing each other on the
two sides of an offering table, with their labels above them. An offering formula ad¬
dressed to Osiris runs along the bottom of the stele. Neither the stele, nor the time of
the office of Kasa can be dated more precisely than to the second half of the 18" dynasty.

III.28. Nebnefer

Date: late 184 — early 19 dynasty (based on stylistic criteria and on the supposed
date of the depot of the shabtis)

Genealogy: unknown

Tomb: unknown

Remains: — shabti, Amiens, Musée de Picardie, 3057.326

— shabti, San Francisco, Fine Arts Museum San Francisco, 1925.133

Functional title: wb3 nswt
ss nswt
Honorific title: hsjj 3 n ntr nfr

The wb3 nswt ‘royal wb?’ Nebnefer is attested only on two shabtis found in Umm el-Qaab
in Abydos.‘ Both shabties are made of limestone, delicately crafted, painted polychrome,
and the text of the shabti formula, the Chapter 6 of the Book of the Dead can be read on
their body. They were obviously votive objects offered by Nebnefer to Osiris, as the text
on the shabti in San Francisco mentions that he followed the lord of Abydos, Osiris on
the festival of Thot. Beside his titles, the texts does not provide any additional informa¬
tion on Nebnefer.‘ The shabtis of Nebnefer were found in a depot with two other
shabties.°°° Their stylistic features as well as the fact that the owner of one of the other
two shabtis is well-known from the late 18" — early 19'" dynasty make it possible to date
both the depot and the shabtis of Nebnefer to this period as well.

604 | would hereby like to thank Frauke Pumpenmeier for providing me with information on Nebnefer
and his shabtis.

65 Amélineau incorrectly read the title wb3 nswt ‘royal wb?’ as hmww nswt ‘royal craftsman’. Amélineau,
1899, 161-162.

‘°° Amélineau mentions that five shabtis were found together in the depot, nevertheless, he describes
only four, see Amélineau, 1899, 75. and 160-164 respectively.