OCR Output

III.23. Pay

Date: post-Amarna (based on the stylistic criteria of the stele)
Genealogy: ? LT

Amenemipet 6 ly® Sutid— Amenemipet ®

Ramesi Ő Resia? Kayt? Takhat? Tutia Q
Pay 6 —7j— [...]aQ 29
I I |

Ameneminet d Haunefer d Bunakht d 20
Tomb: probably in Abydos
Remains: — stele, München, Staatliches Museum Ágyptischer Kunst, ÁS 50
Functional títles: wb3 nswt

wb3 nswt w°b wi
hrj jrj-3
hrj jrj-3 n nb t3.wj

The limestone stele of Pay, now located in München (ÄS 50), is stylistically comparable
to that of his contemporary colleague, Ipu, which dates the object, as well as the the
activity of Pay to the end of the 18" dynasty, during the post-Amarna era, however,
without placing him under any specific rulers.*” The stele itself does not reveal much
about his occupation, only that he bore the titles wb3 nswt ‘royal wb?’ and wb3 nswt wb
“wj royal wb3 clean of hands’, as well as hrj jrj-3 n nb 3.wj ‘main doorkeeper of the lord
of the Two Lands’. This latter title also places him into the royal palace, to a position of
controlling who is allowed to enter into the presence of the king. In addition, the figure
of Pay is wearing the Gold of Honour around his neck, nevertheless, it cannot be ascer¬
tained which king was the bestower of the reward.*°

Contrary to his official duties, the stele tells much more about the family of Pay, yet
unfortunately, he is the only member of it whose titles are mentioned. Based on the

9 Gessler-Léhr, 1989, 27-28.
5° Binder, 2008, 301. She dates Pay to the 19" dynasty.