OCR Output

ing his own values and virtues as well as his usefulness for and his close relationship
with his lord. *”’ All the three types of official titles are widely represented in the present
corpus. (See Table 12. below for the occurrence of the titles of the individuals by category
in number.) Nevertheless, it has to be emphasized, as it has already been noted elsewhere
in the present study as well, that differences in the occurrence and quantity of the rank¬
ing titles, functional titles as well as honorific titles primarily depend on the type of the
available sources from the two main periods of the New Kingdom: the 18" dynasty and
the 19""—20" dynasty. From the first one, there are several funerary monuments with
depictions and inscriptions containing biographical references and title strings which
provide a wide range of the above-mentioned designations, however, from the later
period, the main type of the sources are administrative reports on the activities of the
officials that were principally restricted to the facts of the relevant matter. Based on this,
it must always be kept in mind that the information and data provided by the sources
are rather accidental than general, thus one has to be careful when drawing comprehen¬
sive conclusions in several respects.

Ranking titles are only attested by ‘royal wh3s’ during the 18" dynasty. Four out of the
five are represented in this corpus with the exception of rf nswt ‘acquaintance of the king’.
Eight officials bore this type of title, three of them, namely Djehuti (I), Suemniut and
Ptahemwia (1) possessed all the four attested ones — jrj-pt ‘member of the elite’, /34/-°
‘foremost of action’, Atmtj-bjtj ‘royal sealer’, smr-w“.tj ‘sole friend’ —, the other five indi¬
viduals, Nebamun, Montuiui, Maaninakhtef, Seth and Parennefer, bore two or three of
them. These titles clearly show the prestigious position of these officials within the royal
court. Besides, they were frequently rewarded with the Gold of Honour during the whole
New Kingdom." (For a detailed list, see table 1.2. in the Appendix.)

As for the functional titles, one hundred and forty-eight different ones can be distin¬
guished in the present corpus, among which thirty-seven are religious functional titles
and one hundred and eleven of them are administrative functional titles, out of the
latter ones, the titles constructed with wb3 are twenty in number and those constructed
with wdpw are five. These numbers contain all the extended variations of basic titles but
do not contain the variations with the genitival adjective n in the case of the titles wb3
nswt and wdpw nswt. The number of the basic titles is somewhat less, one hundred and
three altogether distributed as the following: twenty religious functional titles and thirty¬
six administrative functional titles, titles out of the latter ones constructed with wb3 are

77 Strudwick 2016, 9.
775 For a comprehensive study on the reward of Gold of Honour and the honourees, see Binder, 2008.