Due to the scarceness of contemporary líterature on the topic, primary sources served
as the main basis of the present study. The collection of all available textual references
to each individual, as well as the transliteration and translation of their inscriptional
monuments form the appendix of this work. It must be noted that the appendix inten¬
tionally does not contain philological commentary for the texts — only in some places
when it was essential to include it — since the purpose of these texts is to serve as a
chrestomathy providing information regarding its content and not its linguistic or phil¬
ological features. In every case when an adequate translation already existed it was applied
and noted, otherwise all the translations are the work of the present author. Based on
the data gained from the inscriptions, a prosopographical entry was made for each off¬
cial currently known from the period in question, examining their official activity,
family background and remaining monuments. By analysing and examining the paral¬
lels and differences regarding these subjects according to previously determined main
topics, more specific conclusions were drawn concerning the issues outlined above.