[54] Pentawer. . ........................................ 508
[54.1] Stele, Cairo, TN 12/6/24/17 . .............................. 508
[55] Ramessesheru . ...................................... 509
[55.1] Stele, Paris, E 3629. ................................... 509
[56] Paenrenenutet. ...................................... 511
[56.1] Ostracon, Cairo, 25504 . ................................ 511
[57] Merneptahemperptah . ................................. 513
[57.1] Stele, Brussels, E 3076. ................................. 513
[58] Bay . ............................................ 514
[58.1] Graffito, West Theban No. 1700 ............................ 514
[58.2] Ostracon, Cairo, CG 25766............................... 515
First half of the 20 dynasty — from Ramesses III to Ramesses VII
[59] Ramessessamiiunu . ................................... 517
[59.1] Stele, Pennsylvania, Penn Museum E13625 ...................... 517
[6o] Ptahemwia (I) ...................................... 518
[60.1] Stele, Stockholm, NME 057 .............................. 518
[61] Ramessesankherneheh .................................. 519
[61.1] Stele, area of Lake Geneva, private collection. .................... 519
[62] Pabes. ........................................... 521
[62.1] Judicial Papyrus of Turin. ............................... 521
[63] Mesedsure. ........................................ 527
[63.1] Judicial Papyrus of Turin. ............................... 527
[64] Warna . .......................................... 527
[64.1] Judicial Papyrus of Turin. ............................... 527
[65] Paluka ........................................... 527
[65.1] Judicial Papyrus of Turin. ............................... 527
[66]Inini............................................ 527
[66.1] Judicial Papyrus of Turin. ............................... 527
[671 Nebdjefau . ........................................ 527
[67.1] Judicial Papyrus of Turin. ............................... 528
[68] Hentuenimen ....................................... 528
[68.1] Judicial Papyrus of Turin. ............................... 528
[69] Qedendenna. ....................................... 528
[69.1] Judicial Papyrus of Turin. ............................... 528
[7o] Baalmeher. ........................................ 528
[70.1] Judicial Papyrus of Turin. ............................... 528
[71] Pairsun. . ......................................... 528
[711] Judicial Papyrus of Turin. ............................... 528
[72] A pan duree eee eee eee ee eee eee eee ee 528
[72.1] Judicial Papyrus of Turin. ............................... 529
[73] Hori. 2. 2. 529
[73.1] Stele, Memphis, 2882 .................................. 529
[73.2] Stele, London, BM EA 588............................... 531
[73.3] Stele, Deir el-Medina No.151.............................. 534