2. Index of officials in alphabetical order with page numbers
in the prosopography and in the catalogue of inscriptions respectively. .......... 299
1. Titles of officials in alphabetical order . ............................ 301
1.1. wb3 nswt and wdpw nswt titles of the officials. . ...................... 301
1.2. Ranking titles of the officials ................................ 302
1.3. Administrative functional titles of the officials ...................... 303
1.4. Religious functional titles of the officials ......................... 307
1.5. Honorific titles of the officials. . .............................. 309
2. Occurrences of the words wb3 and wdpw on different types of sources. . . ......... 312
3. ‘Royal wb3s’ and ‘royal wdpws’ under rulers .......................... 320
First half of the 18° dynasty — from Thutmose II to Thutmose IV
[1] Nebamun .....................................,..... 327
[11] Theban Tomb 24 ...................................... 327
[1.2] Funerary cone DM188 ................................... 336
[2] Djehuti (1)........................................0 336
[2.1] Theban Tomb nuo...................................... 336
[2.2] Funerary cone DM 47.................................... 348
[3] Qenamun .....................,........:.,.,..:.... 348
[3.1] Stelophor statue. ...................................... 348
[3.2] Funerary cone DM23.................................... 350
[4] Neferperet. .......................................... 350
[4.1] Stelophor statue, Cairo, CG 42121............................. 350
[4.2] Funerary cone DM213................................... 354
[5] Wah355 ............................................ 354
[5.1] Theban Tomb 22 ...................................... 354
[6] Djehutimes .......................................... 356
[6.1] Theban Tomb 205 ..................................... 356
[6.2] Funerary cone DM350................................... 356
[7] Montuiui ........................................... 357
[71] Theban Tomb 172...................................... 357
[8] Suemniut ........................................... 360
[8.1] Theban Tomb 92 ...................................... 360
[8.2] Lintel, Cairo, JE 27840 ................................... 363
[8.3] Funerary cone DM 143 ................................... 364
[8.4] Funerary cone DM156................................... 364
[8.5] Funerary cone DM 163 ................................... 364
[8.6] Funerary cone DM181................................... 364
[8.7] Graffito on Sehel ...................................... 365
[ol] Neferweben . ......................................... 366
[10] Maaninakhtef ........................................ 367