Lorand University of Sciences, Budapest; Tutor with the Doctoral Programme
in Russian Literature and Culture Between East and West, Budapest, Hungary.
His main fields of research are Russian Culture and Esotericism, Mysticism,
the Hermeneutics of Myth, Mythopoetics, Russian Symbolism, Russian
Emigré Literature. His most important publications related to the subject are
Putyaa,rHO3sUCcurepMeHeBTUKaBpomMaHeBAaAumupaHaboxosa«] Ipuraamienue
Ha KasHb» (1936-1938). In: MeKAyHapoAHbIM HayuHbIM cuMIosnyM Ilyru
OT APEeBHOCTU AO Hallmx AHeM 10-13 anpeaa 2013 r., MockBa. CaHKT¬
Tlerep6ypr, 2014, Pycckxaa xpncTnanckas ryMaHUTapHas akayemua, 13-25.;
naeh). In: Anekcanap Baox. MiccäeaoBaHna u Marepnaabı (T. 5) (OTB. pea.
H. IO. Tpakaaosa). CaHKT-Ilerep6ypr, 2016, Ns4. «IlyukuHucknü Aom»,
166-189, Mud u nunumauns. K mpo6AeMe «TOAM>KAHPOBOCTU» POMaHa
Mepe»kKoBcKoro «Po>KAeHHe 60TOB. TyTaHKaMmoH Ha Kpute». Toronto Slavic
Quarterly, 2016, http://sites.utoronto.ca/tsq/57/index57.shtml
E-mail: jozsagyz@gmail.com
KÁLLAY G., Katalin
Katalin G. Kállay teaches American literature at the Károli Gáspár University
of the Reformed Church in Hungary in Budapest and offers summer courses
at the University of California in Santa Cruz. She took an M.A. at the Eôtvôs
Lorand University in Budapest and obtained her PhD at the Catholic University
of Leuven, Belgium. Her first book on nineteenth-century American short
stories, Going Home Through Seven Paths to Nowhere: Reading Short Stories by
Hawthorne, Poe, Melville and James, was published in 2003 by the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences. Her fields of research include nineteenth-century and
twentieth-century American fiction, literary responses to the Holocaust, and
relationships between philosophy and literature.
E-mail: kallay.gezane@kre.hu
Kov1, Zsuzsanna
Zsuzsanna K6vi is assistant professor at the Karoli Gaspar University of
the Reformed Church in Hungary, Institute of Psychology, Department of
General Psychology. Her research interests include cross-cultural personality
psychology, health psychology, spiritual wellbeing, indigenous psychology,
and art and adventure therapy. Her publications include Zsuzsanna KG6vi:
“Inuit Mental Health and Indigenous Psychology,” in E. Sepsi — J. Nagy —
M. Vassanyi — J. Kenyeres (ed.), Indigenous Perspectives of North America,
Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2014.; Zsuzsanna Mirnics,
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