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through the body...


English Hungarian

saying “I”|“- One word explains it: You said, ‘I. “- Egy sz6 elzär. Azt mondtad: "én". —
That was the end. A curtain descended |Vege! Függöny hüuzödik közed es az örök
between you and Eternal Truth. You Igazság közé. És így nem ismerheted fel,
could not have awareness, for you were |mert homälyban vagy. "Én" a függöny
in the dark. Ihe curtain is called I.’ Pull Íneve. Ha félrehúzod, Ő leszel."
it away and you become O!”"

The body |“Teach playing — not with the body but |“Tanits jatszani, nem a testtel, hanem a

test által... MINDEN SZERV, MINDEN
A gyermek, ha játszik, önfeledt. Elfelejti



Novarina also considers it a mystery when strong light is shed upon you."
The actor is someone who offers his or her human body by acting (playing).
And the importance of the body is highlighted in Novarina’s essays (see
Lumières du corps) and his interviews (the body has a more elevated status in
the Orthodox Church"). As Mallasz states in the book Les Dialogues tels gue
je les ai vécus:?°

Alors que dans nombre d’ascèses traditionnelles — mais n'ont-elles pas été
déformées au cours des siècles? — l'épanouissement spirituel s’accompagnait souvent
de la mortification du corps, donc de la mutilation d’une partie de l’être humain,
l'évolution enseignée par l’Ange passe par la plénitude de l’homme dans sa globalité.

Pendant les dix-sept mois des « dialogues » la notion du corps est devenue
miraculeuse pour moi, car l’univers s’y révélait.?

While in several traditional forms of asceticism — but have they not been deformed
over the course of the centuries? — spiritual fulfilment was often accompanied
by the mortification of the flesh, thus the mutilation of part of the human being,
the path taught by the Angel runs through the fullness of man in its entirety.
During the seventeen months of the ‘dialogues,’ the notion of the human body

became miraculous to me; the universe itself is revealed in it.

4 29. Dialogue with Gitta in Talking with Angels, 207. The pronoun “O” can either be He or She
in Hungarian (it stands for God).

29. Beszélgetés, Gittával in Az angyal válaszol, 191.

16 26. Dialogue with Lili, in Talking with Angels, 184-185.

26. Beszélgetés, Lilivel in Az angyal válaszol, 169.

Valére Novarina, Les cendres, in Mgr André Vingt-Trois (ed.), Qu’est-ce que la vérité?,
Éditions Parole et Silence, 2007, 81—93.

L’Amour est voyant, film directed by Attila Mispäl, Duna Television, 2011.

Gitta Mallasz, Les dialogues tels que je les ai vecus, trad. par Frangoise Maupin, Aubier,
France, 1994 (1984), 53.

?! Gitta Mallasz, Les dialogues tels que je les ai vecus, 53.

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