MARTIN MOORS + the noetic matrix comprises the following aforementioned elements: consciousness, spiritualness freedom, cognizance; while the noematic matrix comprises: ¢ facticity: “Allin the mysteries is factum: from the beginning to the end, as is displayed in a tragedy, all is based on an event /Ereignis]”; ¢ priority: “Content of the account of mysteries /Mysterienlehre] are [...] the pure causing divinities [...]. The esoteric of mythology can only be the pure principles, the causes, also only the pure potencies, which we have put forward at work throughout the whole mythological process”;? « one-ness: “The apex of the account of mysteries was the fact that the causing divinities [...] were the mere different shapes of one and the same God who was moving by itself, through itself, and in itself”;’° + pure spiritualness: “The main content of the mysteries was nothing else than the history of the religious consciousness itself, or, stated objectively, the history of God himself, who had himself elucidated and sublated from the original state of non-spiritualness unto complete spiritualness. The final content of the mysteries is thus the pure spiritual God.”"" These two matrices—the noetic and the noematic—are designing by themselves an “account of mysteries” /Mysterienlehre]. | explicitly emphasize “by themselves” because the account which manifests the truth indwelling in esoteric mythology is altogether a subject-less (also pre-historical) account of truth and cognizance. In his Historical-critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mythology,” Lecture eight, Schelling borrows a neologism, coined by “the wellknown Coleridge” to express the itself-positing actuality of mythology and its gods: “Mythology is not allegorical; it is tautegorical.”’* Schelling elucidates the meaning of the expression “tautegorical” as follows: “Because consciousness chooses or invents neither the ideas themselves nor their expression, mythology emerges immediately as such and in no other sense than in which it articulates 45th Lecture, 357, also 298: “die Mysterien waren etwas, was begangen wurde - res, sacra, quae fiebant.” 9% 42nd Lecture, 318-319. 1 42nd Lecture, 320. 1 Sth Lecture, 351. 2 This is Book I of the Introduction to the Philosophy of Mythology (Einleitung in die Philosophie der Mythologie, Erstes Buch: historisch-kritische Einleitung in die Philosophie der Mythologie), which is itself Volume I (Erster Band) of his Philosophy of Mythology (Philosophie der Mythologie) in Schellings Werke: Nach der Originalausgabe in neuer Anordnung, ed. Manfred Schröter, Berlin, Beck’schen Verlag, 1927-1959 und 19621971 (abbreviated SW). We are using the English translation by Jason M. Wirth (Foreword) and Mason Richey — Markus Zisselberger (main text), State University of New York Press, Albany, NY, 2007 (SUNY Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy). 3 Op. cit., 136 (SW XI, 195-196). + 224 + Daréczi-Sepsi-Vassänyi_Initiation_155x240.indb 224 6 2020.06.15. 11:04:21