OCR Output


I wanted to make the point that in the Hermetic texts, certain elements
suggest that some originally empirical cultic performances had existed
in these communities, such as a ritual meal, baptism or the drinking of
a special drink, the life-giving ambrosial water; and that in all probability,
these rituals were transformed into a symbolical, spiritual form. I think these
ritual acts formed the Hermetic drömena, that is to say, the instruments
of a symbolically interpreted and internalized cultic practice which led to
the Hermetic initiation.


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CAROZZI, P. A., Gnose et soteriologie dans la Kore Kosmou Hermetique, in
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Publishers, 1982, 61-78.

CoLPE, Carsten — HOLZHAUSEN, Jens, Das Corpus Hermeticum Deutsch.
Im Auftrag der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenscahften bearbeitet
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gebraucht worden sein. Diese Form hermetischer Organisation bietet sich uns als
die wahrscheinlichste an; aber man muß natürlich damit rechnen, daß sie auch anders
gewesen sein kann.”

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