divine presence in a number of dramatic works by Samuel Beckett, who,
through denial, provokes and creates God in his plays. Enikő Sepsis paper on
“Theatrical Approaches to the Mystery: "Kenosis" in Valére Novarinas Works"
offers an analysis of Valére Novarinas theatre, where self-emptying becomes
an important element in the direction of actors, and in which the Christian
theological term kenosis is relevant in the context of rituals taking place on
stage. Ihis paper is a rare example of Western scholarly literature discussing
the connection between kenosis and literature or kenosis and theatre. Ihetopic
of Johanna Domokos is “Endurance Running as Initiation into the Mysteries.
A Case Study based on the Fiction of Jari Ehrnrooth”. In several of his works,
the author states, the Finnish philosopher, writer and athlete describes how
endurance running can serve as a means of transcending the everyday state
of mind and experiencing the “unattainable Holy Absolute.” Finally, Melinda
Seb6k’s paper on “The Aesthetics of Silence in György Rönay’s Poetry” deals
with the work of a Hungarian poet, novelist, critic, and translator, in whose
thinking theology and poetry could not be taken apart.
We sincerely hope that every interested reader will find something of relevance
among the twenty-four papers that make up this volume and that she or he
will gain some insight into the vastness and depth of initiation studies.
It is with great sorrow that we received the sad news that our dear colleague
and friend, Ms. Kate Larson, had passed away in 2018. We dedicate this
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