OCR Output

Index of Person and Geographical Names

Aa, Petrus van der 66

Abdul Hamid, II. see Ottoman, Abdul Hamid
Abdul-Aziz see Ottoman, Abdul-Aziz

Abel Jené 19, 34, 45, 47, 64, 96, 128, 139, 175
Abraham Zoltan 14, 102, 120, 154

Acciaiolus, Donatus 29

Ács Pál 125, 173

Adam, Tobias 181, 195

Adamska, Anna 101, 140

Adolphus Argentoratensis, Andreas 133

Affo, Ireneo 18, 107, 140

Agricola, Conrad 183

Aich, Johann von 148

Aicher, Otto 79, 83, 140

Alba Graecia see Belgrád

Alba Iulia see Gyulafehérvar

Albrecht, V. see Wittelsbach, Albrecht, V.
Alexander the Great see Macedon, Alexander, III.
Alexandru II. Mircea, see Driculea, Alexandru, II, Mircea
Alexios, I. see Komnenos, Alexios, I.

al-Jahiz 11

al-Mas’üdi 11

Almäsi Gäbor 138, 140

Almeloveen, Theodorus Janssonius van 78
al-Nadim, Ibn 11

Altdorf bei Nürnberg (Altorfium, Bayern, D) 37
Amberg (Bayern, D) 94, 175

Amerbach, Johann 111

Amsterdam (NL) 66, 77, 147, 163, 188, 190
Anachoreta, Marcus Monachus see Marcus Monachus Anachoreta
Ankwicz-Kleehoven, Hans 32, 33, 140

Anna of Hungary see Jagiellon, Anna

Antès, Serge 64, 148

Antoninus Florentinus 24, 28, 29

Antwerpen (Antverpia, Anvers, B) 64, 149, 163, 167, 177, 180, 196
Apafı Mihäly, I. 68, 116, 119, 128

Appianos 29

Apponyi, Alexander 141