Just as Keler’s text on wine was broadened by the rector and published under his
own name, so did he expand on what had been written on Naldo Naldi. In 1723,
he catalogued the manuscripts in his institution’s library.*” In it he writes the fol¬
lowing about the Naldi codex:
CXXXIX. Naldi Naldii Florentini descriptio Bibliothecae Budensis Serenissimi Regis Vn¬
gariae Matthiae Corvini. Ampliorem huius nitidi et multis figuris exornati codicis, qui
ex ipsa bibliotheca Regia huc translatus, dedimus in dissertatione De meritis Malthiae
Corvini in rem literariam“®
This book was published in Jena where he certainly met Martin Schmeizel who
taught there.** We do not know when and why Schmeizel (1679-1747) first be¬
came interested in the Naldo Naldi manuscript, but it is certain that either he
personally or Janichen, or one of their an agents, copied the work for Schmeizel.
Schmeizel was appointed professor in Jena in 1722, and already on this occasion
we can read about the plan to compile a volume on the Buda library in a eulogy
written by Stephan Keller (the rector of the school in Nagysink).*"
Gaudia et vota patriae...*"
Nec minus, externce jam non novus incola terre,
Ilustrat Patriam grato cum pectore dulcem.
Atque utinam, quee lecta premit promissaque dudum (18)
Nostris conspicienda oculls, cetate futura
Cognoscenda edat totus miretur et orbis,
Pannonice monumenta, quibusque haec Dacia floret!
(18) Qualia sunt Notitia Bibliothecce Budensis. Bibliotheca Scriptorum rerum Hung.
Antiquitates Transilv. ex lapidum inscriptionibus et nummis antiquis erutce Descriptio
Transilvanice. Dissert. de Origine et Natalibus Saxonum Transilvanorum &c.
We know that the po/yhistor from Brassé also taught a special course at the uni¬
versity on the history of Matthias’s library.*” It is assumed that his familiarity
with this brought him into contact with Janichen, who then helped him to obtain
a copy for himself. At the end of his life, he also listed it among his unrealised
plans as item 14:
14. Notitia Bibliothecae Budensis, cum Naldi Naldii L. IV. de laudibus Bibliotheca Buden¬
sis ex manuscripto edendis.®
#2 JÄNICHEN 1723.
#3 JANICHEN 1723, 32. The dissertatio mentioned by him is the work of Caspar Moller
#4 ArriLa Verök wrote about his life in several studies. For a summary see VEROK 2015. Cf. and VERÖK
2009.; VEROK 2012.; VEROK 2014.; VEROK 2017.
415 Verox 2015, 26, 164-167.
‘46 THE notes to the Latin text were also written by Stephan Kessler.
“7 Artita VEROK discusses the documents in his doctoral dissertation: ,Es blickt die halbe Welt auf deinen
Lebens-Lauff, / Und nimmt, was Du schreibst, mit grosser Ehrfurcht auf.” Martin Schmeizel (1679-1747) elete
és munkássága, Kézirat, Szeged, 2008, 29, 33, 106.
8 VERÓK 2015, 279.