an Italian military engineer in the imperial service, who was instructed by Elek Bethlen. The other traditional avenue in the formation of the national cultural consciousness is based on less information but is more definitive. Especially, it emphasises the school library founded by Johann Honter (1498-1549), which was founded from the library of the medieval convents of Brass6 (Kronstadt, Brasov)*"”, as the equal counterpart of the Bibliotheca Corvina in the history of libraries, which also included some corvinas. Jaké used the church history manuscript written in 1739 by Johann Filstich, the rector of Brassé, who was apparently familiar with the dissertation on the major library fires by Thomas Bartolini (1616-1680), published in 1709 by Andreas Westphal (1685-1747) in Jena.*"’ Westphal, not the author, writes the following in the introduction: (fol. Tiv-12r] ,Nonnullarum quoque Bibliothecarum, ab igne consumtarum, mentionem injicit Julius Pflugk in Epistola, ad magni nominis virum Seckendorffium directa de Bibliotheca Budensi, ex qua sequentia transfere liceat.” [fol. 14r-v] ‚Ita ille. annus ejusdem seculi 89. valde fatalis fuit Bibliothecae Cronstadtiens, dum eam flammae vehementia omnino destruxit et abstulit. Cujus casus eo durior atque acerbior fuit, quo magis instructa atque ornata eadem exsistit, quippe cum ea ex Bibliotheca Budensi egregio manuscriptorum thesauro locupletata maximam partem libris majoris ordinis superbiret." Referring to Bartholin’s text, Johann Georg Schelhorn (1694-1773), a Lutheran pastor and historian from Jena, repeats this statement," later I will discuss his work on the history of the Corvina in more detail. We published the Brassó librarys collected catalogues prior to 1800, compiling the earlier editions one by one with the originals, and supplementing them in the series Adattar published by the Szeged University." Zsigmond Jakó, also referring to these records, indicated that even before the 1689 fire there are no volumes in them that would refer to corvinas, especially in large naumbers. Despite this, the two strands of the Corvina tradition lived on together in Saxon historical writing, even after the 1848 Revolution and War of Independence in Transylvania. The literary history summary (Friedrich Schuler von Libloy) of the view of Saxony as an independent territorial, economic, and cultural entity states the same" „Der Kronstädter Stedtrichter Benkner vermehrte die dortige Bibliothek namentlich durch sehr werthvolle Bücher und Handschriften, welche er nach dem Falle von Konstantinopel aus den verwüsteten und preisgegebenen Griechischen Bibliotheken ankaufen liess; eben so vermehrte sich die Bibliothek durch Werke, welche in dem 1553 von Türken eroberten Ofen verschleppt und verhandelt worden waren. So konnte in der That Thomas Bartholinus in seiner „dissertatio de bibliothecae incendio” (Jena 1709 XXXII pag 27 ) sagen: „... bibliotheca Cronstadtiensis ... quo magis instructa atque or310. Mono 2018, 411-426.; Mono 2020a, 131-146. 311 BARTHOLIN-WESTPHAL 1709, fol.11v-12r, 14r-v. 312 SCHELHORN 1764, 837. 33 Monok-Orvôs P-Ver6ox, ApaTTArR 16/4, 2004, 526-693; BAnpI-Monox-VEROK, ADATTAR 16/6, 2021, 3-110. 34 SCHULER von Lisloy 1857, 103-104. (Kronstadt, von Johannes Honterus errichtete „Schulliberie”) 69