OCR Output

Zolnai also quotes”* the relevant paragraph from his Graecae lingvae
erotemata,”” however, almost two decades later Neander published a work titled
Chronicon.”°° He lists texts affiliated with each nation, as well as those belonging
to each group of literary memorials. He publishes a list of authors with the subtitle
Catalogus autorum Graecorum et Latinorum veterum atque recentium, de quorum tes¬
timonijs Synopsis Chronica est contexta. In this chapter, under the title Latini veteres,
he lists the authors, and among them the well-known library: ,Ge//ius, Plinius, So¬
linus, Bibliotheca Budensis, Varro, Val. Maximus, Iulius Obsequens”.”*' It is not clear
from the text what the author meant here. Were the first three authors’ works in
Buda, or all of the mentioned authors’ works?

228 Zonal K.-Firz 1942, 29.
229 NEANDER 1565, 72.

230 NEANDER 1583.

2531 NEANDER 1583, B4r-v.