OCR Output

the image of Hungarians, or merely of the Hungarian Kingdom, in the world,
and in connection with what a European intellectual thought of the Hungarian
Kingdom. Furthermore, what actions of Hungarians, or those from the Hungar¬
ian Kingdom, were appreciated as enriching the common European knowledge.

The destruction after the occupation of Buda =
Paratexts of Teth-I7th century editions ~ Praise
for Matthias and his library

A number of narrative sources (Ursinus Velinus (1493-1539), Nicolaus Olahus
(1493-1568), Martin Brenner ($1553), Johannes Alexander Brassicanus (+1539)
etc.) from the first period have survived, describing the destruction of the library,
with a few turns of humanist rhetoric.”” In the future there is sure to emerge new
data in this genre, however, in my summary I will try to add just a few more to the

list of names. I want to highlight one humanist in particular, Michael Neander
(1529-1581), for an odd quote that I noticed.

27 CsABA Csapodi summarised these views in his English-language monograph. Cf. Csaronı 1973,