of: Sanctorum presbyterum Salviani Massiliensis et Vincenti Liriensis”* opera. edlidit]
Stephlanus] Baluzius. Paris, 1663, 1669, 1684. Bremae 1688. Venetiis 1728. all fold in
eight; Pedeponti 1743. fold in 4"
This comment is not an expression of knowledge swelling with national pride.
However, I find it extremely interesting and important from the view of the his¬
tory of the Hungarian churches and clerical intellectual history that the members
of the Saint Imre Society of Győr update the thoughts of Bishop Salvianus to the
conditions of their own age and to justify their method they refer to the books
of Charles-Louis de Secondat (Montesquieu, 1689-1755) and to the chapters of
the classical liberal writer Jozsef Edtvos’s book A XIX. szdzad uralkodé eszméinek
befolyása az álladalomra."
Let us return to the world of 16th-century editions of texts based on the corvina
without tracing the publication history of each authors work. Brassicanus does not
mention it, but it is certain that the 1530 Polybius editio is also from a manuscript
preserved in Buda.’”’ The publisher of the text, Vincentius Obsopoeus, testifies
to this (in the preface to the edition of Heliodorus mentioned below)"", and this
statement also appears in the accompanying texts of later literary remains.'” A
year later (1531), Obsopoeus published, in the same Setzer printing house, Cor¬
tesius’s encomium on King Matthias Hunyadi.'*° He was not aware of the 1487
incunabulum from Rome,'®! instead he says in the dedication to the Heliodorus
edition that he got the manuscript from Buda. This editio was published three
years later in Basel.? Obsopaeus then went on to work on the Greek edition of
Diodorus Siculus, which was completed in 1539. This work was also based on a
corvina codex.'??
We close the series of works certainly published on the basis of a manuscript
from the Buda library with Antonio Bonfini’s De pudicitia conjugali et virginitate
dialogi. The codex was presumably taken to Naples by the widowed Queen Beatrix
and from there it became the property of Janos Zsämboky (Johannes Pannonicus
Mm VINCENT de Lérins (Vincent of Lérins, 5th century).
75 Sawvıanus 1862, XXX.
76 Sarvıanus 1862, XXVII, XXIX.
77 PoLyBrus (ed. O8BsopPorus) 1530.
18 "THE codex from which he worked contains works by Herodianus and Heliodorus, in addition to the
Polybius texts. The current provenance of the codex: BSB Cod. Graec. 157. Cf.. Haypu K. 2008, 30-32.
19 Csapopt 1973, Nr. 539. quotes the opinion of Philipp Melanchthon (1494-1560) and the 1551 preface
of Stanistaw Warszewicki (1529-1591).
180 CoRTESIUS-OBsoPoEus 1531; Obsopoeus did not know about the 1487 edition. Cf. Csapopi 1982.
181 Roma, 1487, Eucharius Silber (GW 7794) — Csaronı 1973. Nr. 207.
182 Hexioporus 1534 — Csapopi 1973, Nr. 315. ScHELHORN 1763-1764, 835-837. quotes Opsopaeus’s
preface at length and comments on the publication. The work of Johann Georg Schelhorn is discussed
separately in our book.
Dioporus Sicutus (ed. Ossoporus) 1539. The current provenance of the codex: ONB Suppl. gr. 30.
— Csapopi 1973, Nr. 225.