OCR Output

although I assume this is the reason for its success. He himself mentions a Flor¬
entine 1562 edition (Lorenzo Torrentino) from the literature, but it is not listed in
the Italian common catalogue (EDIT 16) (no copies were found). Ihe editor of the
1564 edition from Rome, Pietro Gallesini (1520—1590) did not mention the Buda
manuscript. "The French editions date back to the Paris 1575 editio of Pierre
Pithou (Pithoeus, 1539-1596)” which was also compared to his own manuscript.
It can also be considered a real success, since beside the Latin edition it was also
published twice in French in 1575’? translated by Nicolas de Bauftremont (1520¬
1582). Pithou published in full Brassicanus’s letter to Bishop Stadion and repeated
it in the editions of 1594, 1600, 1608, and 1617.1 The Konrad Rittershausen edi¬
tion was published before the last listed year, in 1611 in Altdorf, which included
the Salvianus via and a brief mention of the Buda story.’”
Mocat enim Episcoporum magistrum, humana et divina literatura instructum, qui
scholastico et aperto sermone scripserit. Sed cum nescio qua sua vel seculorum
infelicitate diutissime ignorabilis latuisset, demum post mille et quinquaginta annos
rursus in lucem e tenebris emersit bona sui parte, Joannis Alexandri Brassicani
comitate atque industria protractus. Floruit enim circa annum Domini quadringen¬
tesimum et octogesimum, imperante Zenone,* annis ante Justinianum®* quasi cen¬
tum quinquaginta, et quod excurrit. Brassicanus vero ex Bibliotheca Budensi, quam

Matthias Corvinus Rex Hungariae instituerat, primus eum protulit et Basileae anno
MDXXX. edidit 5"

07. Salvianus (ed. Rittershusius) 1688



150 SaLvIANus (ed. BAUFFREMONT) 1575a. Cf. PETTEGREE-WALSBY-WILKINSON 2007, Nr. 47346, Nr.

Saıvıanus (ed. Brassıcanus-PırHou) 1575, 3-23., Saıvıanus (ed. Brassicanus—PirHou) 1594,
3-23., Sarvıanus (ed. Brassıcanus-PırHouv) 1600, 366—387.; SALVIANUS (ed. BRASSICANUS-PITHOU)
1608, 472—493.; Satvranus (ed. Brassicanus—Piruov) 1617, 474—495. (with incorrect pagination).
However, SALVIANUS is not included in 1580 (ed. BRasstcanus—PiTHoUv).

SALVIANUS (ed. RITTERSHuSsIus) 1611, fol. *2r-v.

153 ZENO (426?-491) Byzantine emperor (476-491).
154 JusTINIAN I (483-565) Byzantine emperor (527-565).
15 Satvianus (ed. Brassicanus) 1530.