mentions that Johannes Cuspinianus made it possible for him to study the codex.
Csapodi Csaba closely followed the history of the manuscript, but only looked
at the 16th century editions and was mainly interested in the history of the text
itself in the context of the role of Janus Pannonius.'™ He cites the first, printed, ?
mention of the manuscript, which now belongs to the Austrian national library,
once being kept in Buda. This was written by Johannes Cuspinianus in his work
De consulibus Romanorum commentarii in 1553.16
NI Mec nro stk A CON¬
1 : Confulibus Romanorum Commen¬
rij, optimis er: autho¬
geftarum Pop.Rom, deg ac.
la aA eiufdem Cufpi- _
She de Confulibus Romanorum pay.
Cufpiniani Commentarijs is
Wirum D. 10 ANNEM Ircosvm Fro¬
P pe pré decorum difcordia,
huius Operis maxima we ate.
sig gore pee menorim
pra Bera ble ie ag
Bannissus (Jakobus de Bannissis) played a role in preparing the marriage of Archduke Ferdinand (later
King Ferdinand I of Hungary) and Anna of Hungary (Jagello) (1503-1543) (24 March 1516) OeStA/
HHStA UR AUR, 1516 III 24.)
124 Csapopi 1973, Nr. 225.
135 ‘Tus aspect is important for the Corvina’s social visibility. Csapop1 1973, 397 (Nr. 708.) himself quotes
a letter from Emperor Maximilian I to Cuspinianus (3 February 1513), in which the Emperor shares
with the humanist that the Zonaras text survived in Buda, but this letter was not published at that time.
(see KOLLAR 1790, 634-642. Cf. ANKwicz-KLEEHOVEN 1959, 121-123.).
126 CusPINIANUS 1553, 160, 569.