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Meaning, that our theory is the right theory, and thats it. This is how boundaries
can be dismantled. (Subject no. 4, social sciences)

We can observe that the essentializing discourse in these cases is clearly
based on binary oppositions which serve as an organic part of our culture.
These oppositions in turn trace the gender inequalities to natural, i.e. biolog¬
ical causes, thereby deeming them unchangeable, inevitable and deterministic.””
This argumentation states that “the body is a gender/sexual entity, sexuality
is co-extensive with life, all of its facets are transfixed with gender. Gender
differences present themselves in observation as well as experience, expression,
movement, etc.”’”° According to this, the two genders are not only essentially
(biologically) different from each other, but consequently different in psycho¬
logical terms and in their social roles too. This is the reason within this argu¬
mentation framework that the majority of gender stereotypes and the closed
nature of the “men’s world” (scientific panels, for example) have not complete¬
ly shifted even after the declaration of legal equality. The stereotypical, gen¬
eral “knowledge” regarding women is continuously present in language, the
everyday discourses, texts, media, etc. and explains the classical male—female
hierarchy, the gender-segregation of work with natural differences to this day.

In summary, regarding the female scholars in this group, we can state that
they have experienced substantial differences between the male and female
attitude towards work and leadership. As a result, they believe men and wom¬
en have to take on roles in society which, though not in a fundamentally hier¬
archical relation to each other, are different nonetheless. As it has already been
mentioned in the second chapter, according to Katalin Koncz, men and women
have different competences both due to biological and social reasons, the
gender-based separation and employment is a natural consequence of this. She
states the social inequalities are only caused by labour market mechanisms
that shape these differences into social disadvantages?”’ and devaluate them.
Most members of this group highlight that women do not need to be scholars
in the same sense men do.

When I think about it, how many people say ‘wow, what an arrogant woman, I
would never marry that woman’ when speaking about really successful women.
And perhaps we don’t really want to be considered like that. (Subject no. 4, social


A very fierce woman can no doubt count with more disinclination than a very fierce
man. Because someone being very fierce and aggressive doesn't fit into the image of

275 Czibere: Az asszonyok történetének megírásáról..., 22.

276 Maurice Merleau-Ponty, guoted by Joó: A feminista elmélet, 68.
277 Koncz: A munkaerőpiac nemek szerinti szegregációjának jellemzői, 74.

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