I believe that among limited frames positive discrimination would be needed and
possible. In cases where the classes have to decide between a female and a male
candidate with roughly similar accomplishments, the Academy should recommend
to support the female candidate as well as to consider the number of female
candidates when determining the frame numbers of the classes. With this approach,
the autonomy of the classes is left unharmed during electing their candidates, and
the principle remains as well that the chairmanship cannot change the sequence
of the voting of the classes.”
While some of them (including some doctors and members of the MTA) agree
with the statements above and would support the installment of the quota to
liberate the discrimination-burdened academical election system, it would still
be insulting — even to women — that the system is not “based on merits, but ona
positively discriminative solution”.*™ For example, Valéria Csépe, a correspondent
member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences says that
it is hard to agree with applying positive discrimination as the solution for this
issue. Positive discrimination is discrimination even if it is positive and it serves
the desired outcome for a certain group. Positive discrimination is not a relevant
criterion from the angle of achievements, it gives advantages to women and gives
disadvantages to the men with similar or equal achievements.*”
Thus many women make the case for risking the scientific achievements if any
kind of quota were to be introduced, and so they are dismissive towards this.
“I don’t know any academic women who would want the quota system, as we
believe that as members of the Academy, we are not representing women but
ourselves. This might be one of the reasons why academic women are reluctant
to speak on this topic, as they fear to risk the judgement of scientific merits.”*°°
“[...] We would put those colleagues in an excessively unpleasant situation who
were accepted to the Academy on the basis of consolation.”*” Also Vanda
Lamm (who was elected to be head of department for the next three years by
Ibidem, 865.
Let there be more female academics, let their proportion grow among post doctorates and
among the doctorates of the Academy - these are the highest aims of the newly formed
committee led by the academic Vanda Lamm. See more of the uniform viewpoint of the Nők
a Kutatdi Eletpalyan Elnoki Bizotts4g [Chairmanship of Females in Research Career] on this
subject: http://mta.hu/mta_hirei/megalakult-a-nok-a-kutatoi-eletpalyan-elnoki-bizottsag¬
107348 (accessed 21 May 2022).
Csépe: Tul az üvegplafonon, 359.
206 Tbidem.
207 Kamarás, K.: Nők az Akadémián, Magyar Tudomány 177, 2016, 866, http://www.matud.iif.
hu/2016/07/13.htm (accessed 5 May 2017).