OCR Output


Possibilities, obstacles and the chimera of segregation


Most of us spend most of our days in work
organisations that are almost always
dominated by men. The most powerful
organisational positions are almost entirely
occupied by men, with the exception of the
occasional biological female who acts as a

social man."


There are still a lot of female workers who, despite their qualifications and
skills, encounter obstacles in their careers. Although it can be established as
a fact that the proportion of woman leaders in the developed countries has
increased significantly in recent decades, this change has not reached top¬
level leadership positions, where women are still only sporadically getting in.”
For instance, despite changes, Hungary only ranked 103rd in the ranking of
the Global Gender Gap Index 2017 analysing and comparing 144 countries
inter alia on the basis of the gender inequalities in economic participation and
opportunities. The result had hardly changed by 2018, when Hungary ranked
102nd among 149 countries.”

A higher inflow of women into the labour market began in the 1950s in
Western Europe and North America. The segregation of the labour market at
that time appeared as a research topic as well, and from the 1970s more and
more studies dealt with it. It could be seen that women’s and men’s work sta¬
tuses and the opportunities to reach higher positions were completely differ¬
ent.®° Joan Acker showed that organisations are not gender neutral institutions,
but they are permeated by the gendered substructure of society."

77 Sorenson, quoted by Acker, J.: Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies. A Theory of Gendered organisations,
Gender & Society 4(2), June 1990, 139.

78 Monori: Esélyegyenlőség, 145.

79 The Global Gender Gap Report 2017, http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2017.pdf
(accessed 30 April 2018).

80 Nagy, B. — Primecz, H.: Nők és férfiak a szervezetekben. Kísérlet a mítoszok eloszlatására,
Vezetéstudomány Vol. XLI, No. 2, 2010, 2—17.

8! Acker quoted by Nagy, B.: Szervezet és nemek, in Kovács, M. (ed.): Társadalmi nemek: elméleti
megközelítések és kutatási eredmények, Budapest, ELTE Eötvös, 2017, 59.

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