OCR Output


Introduction 6.6... 6c eee ee eee ee eee teen nee tenes 7
Empirical research behind the chapters .............................,.... 9
Brief summary of the results ........................................... 12

Equal rights between sexes. Philosophical and practical issues of equal rights,

anomalies, excerpts from criminal and labour laws .......................... 17
Introduction ....................,.........,.........,...,.,.,,,440 17
Theoretical foundations of human rights, equal treatment and equity ....... 18
Suum cuique tribuere! — Is equity equally just for everyone?................ 22
Legal regulation of equal treatment in practice .....................,..... 26
Why is there even a need for positive discrimination? ...............,...... 28
Ask “the woman question”, the woman perspective in lawmaking ........... 30
Human rights violations in the Arbitral Tribunal ......................... 31
Human rights abuses in the field of work ..........................,...... 36

Women in top leadership positions. Possibilities, obstacles

and the chimera of segregation ........................................... 39
Introduction ....................,.........,.........,...,.,.,,,440 39
The chimera of segregation ............................................ 44
Self-discrimination and labyrinth ........................,............. 45
What obstacles is the labyrinth built of?................................. 46
Obstacles before the glass ceiling.........................,.............. 46
Beyond the glass ceiling... ............................................ 54
Conclusion ...........................,................,,........,... 57

What is behind the academic election? Between Scylla and Charybdis:

Female quotas or natural but slow change that might take decades? . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Informatory fragments to give guidance with some
mistaken preconceptions .............................................. 62
In summa.................,....,..,,..,,,,444 44e 71