THE HEBREW LANGUAGE AND COMPARATIVE LINGUISTICS... of suffixes, and the impossibility of inflection of adjectives. Komáromi Csipkés was the only scholar to apply the structure of Hebrew grammar to Hungarian, although naturally the entire work is a mixture of Latin and Hebrew grammatical bases.* There were several features of Hebrew grammar already used in contemporary Latin ars grammatica, such as the tripartite division of words: nomen, verbum, particula; or the use of shoresh/radix, or the pronomen affixum or nomen analogum utilized by the previous Hungarian grammars discussed above, as well as by Komäromi Csipkés." There are three direct points in this work where Komäromi Csipkes refers to Hebrew practice: a) “The description of place and time is made by fixing an “i” at the end of the denominativa: as földi (terrenus), varosi (oppidanus), debreceni (debrecenius), tegnapi (hesternus) etc. as in Hebrew.”“* b) The other reference is the acronym Moshewekalebethan, which is referred to in the prefixed case of broken prepositional particles in Hungarian.” c) Thirdly, he also mentions the similar meaning of the definite article 7. Komäromi Csipkes’ method of correlating Hebrew and Hungarian was not just listing homonyms here, but analysing common features in grammar. First of all, he mentioned the parallel changing of vowels of words by declination,” although he notes that in Hungarian this change takes place only in the last syllable of the root, while in Hebrew it happens in previous syllables as well." Concerning conjugation, he mentions that, as in Hebrew, Hungarian conjugation is also based on the root of the 3" person singular, and that suffixes are 15 KOMÁROMI CSIPKÉS, Hungaria Illustrata, 21, 38. 16 VLADÁR, Egy rendhagyó magyar grammatika, 17. Interestingly, he did not use previous Hungarian grammars, though he mentioned that he had once seen Szenczi Molnar’s, could not remember when and where. “neutrius opera uti potuerim; nullius grammaticam inspexerim. Memini me olim obiter vidisse D. Molnaris Grammaticam; sed ubi, quando non jam memini. Scriptum vero R.D. Stephani Gelei, hactenus mihi vidisse non contigit, ...” KOMÁROMI CSIPKÉS, Hungaria Illustrata, 15-16. KOMÁROMI CSIPKÉS, Hungaria Illustrata, pp. 32—33: "Denominativa notantia rationibus circumstantiarum loci & temporis, guocungue modo; derivantur affixa sola vocali, i. ut Fóldi, terrenus, varasi oppidanus, Debreceni, Debrecinus. Tegnapi, hesternus &c. Non secus apud Hebraeos.” VLADAR, Egy rendhagy6 magyar grammatika, 278-279, has misunderstood Komaromi’s reference to this word. It does not refer to the acronym itself, but to the cases described under this rubric (vocibus memorialibus) in Komaromi’s Hebrew grammar: KOMAROMI CsIPKES, Schola Hebraica, 111. “Mutatio vocalinum, ut non modicam in lingua Hebraea, creat difficultatem, ita et in Hungarica.” KOMÁROMI CSIPKÉS, Hungaria Illustrata, 55. 51 Ibid., 57. 47 48 49 +7] +»