OCR Output


the institutional relevance of scholastic learning, were not yet modified. Ihat
came in later steps.

Once the old system had collapsed under pressure Írom faculty and the
weight of shifting student interests, lectureships could be cancelled. Very little
of the original curriculum survived this stage. Ihe only course already taught
in 1507 and still in place in 1536 was Latin poetry." Mathematics, established
somewhat later, also showed great resilience. Rhetoric and physics survived
with some changes, and, after much reshuffling, even logic found a much re¬
duced but renewed place in the curriculum (Table 16). These continuities should
not hide the basic fact that scholasticism lost its ground and Humanist scholar¬
ship made tremendous advances, which is most visible in the strong coverage
of the three languages, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.

Table 16 Overview of regular professorships in the Faculty of Arts (1507-1536)

App. Chair 1507 1516 1518 1521 1525 15367
11 Greater logic Scotist Scotist Scotist
11 Greater logic Thomist Thomist Thomist
14 b)-c) Natural philo- Scotist Scotist Scotist
14 b)-c) Natural philo- Thomist Thomist Thomist
11 Lesser logic Scotist Scotist Scotist Scotist
11 Lesser logic Thomist Thomist Thomist Thomist
14b) De coelo et Scotist
mundo etc.
14b) De coelo et Thomist
mundo etc.
3 a) Ethics Scholastic Scholastic n. d. No. 10***
13 Metaphysics Scholastic Scholastic see phy¬
12[b] Mathematics Scholastic filled filled filled No.5
12 a) Lower metha- seehigher filled No.6
matics math.
6 Grammar Humanist Humanist Humanist filled
2 Grammar and No. 4
2 Latin poetry Humanist Humanist Humanist filled filled No.3
20 Rhetoric [Humanist]* Humanist Humanist see Latin No. 8

77 Incidentally, still taught by the same Balthasar Vach, one of the longest-serving professors in
the first half-century of the Leucorea.