Table 15 Regular professorships in the higher faculties (1536)
Faculty No.* Chair Branch of study Req.** Salary
Theology 1 New Testament* Scripture Dr. 200 gl.
Theology 2 Old Testament** Scripture Dr. 200 gl.
Theology 3 Epistles (Paul, Peter, John) Scripture & preaching Dr. 200 gl.
Theology [+1] Town preacher*** Preaching & scripture Lic. +60 gl.s
Law 1 Digest Roman law Dr. 200 gl.
Law 2 Decretals Canon law Dr. 180 gl.
Law 3 Codex Roman law Dr. 140 gl.
Law 4 Institutions Roman law Lic. 100 gl.
Medicine 1 Hippocrates and Galen Greco-Roman Dr. 150 gl.
Medicine 2 Rasis and Avicenna Persian Dr. 130 gl.
Medicine 3 Anatomy Lic. 80 gl.
*In the lists of the Fundationsurkunde (UBW 1:174-176 No. 193).
** Minimal degree requirement.
* Romans, Galatians, Gospel of John.
++ Genesis, Psalms, Isaiah, supplemented with Augustine’s De spiritu et litera.
*** Lecturing on the Gospel of Matthew, Deuteronomy and the Minor Prophets.
$ In addition to his income as preacher.
The charter of 1536 required unpacking and interpretation as time passed by,”
and Melanchthon eventually wrote new statutes for the university and some of
its faculties in 1545.”° These, however, only amounted to fine-tuning, and did
not affect the fundamental arrangements effectively developed in the 1520s
and formally established in 1536.
The restructuring of the Leucorea was substantially completed in less than
a decade between the late 1510s and mid-1520s. Changes were made in three
major stages. First, in 1518, a number of new chairs were added to the already
extant pool of largely scholastic professorships in the Faculty of Arts. They
broadened the course offerings, greatly strengthening the study of languages.
They also included some classes such as logic, physics, or metaphysics, whose
content had been treated by the scholastic traditions but now they were to be
expounded on the basis of new translations, that is, the approach was novel. The
old courses, however, continued, and the examination requirements, securing
> E.g. in 1538, cf. UBW 1:203ff (No. 212).
76 UBW 1:255-277 (Nos. 271-273).