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The old system finally caved in around the time of Luther’s exile in the Wart¬
burg. Scholastic lectures became deserted and were discontinued. Scotist
natural philosophy had ended in 1519 as had the Thomist greater logic in 1520.
The next year saw the termination of their counterparts, Thomist natural phi¬
losophy and Scotist greater logic® (Table 10).

Table 10 Discontinuation of old professorships in the Faculty of Arts

App. Chair Continuation Date

14c) Natural phil. (Scotist) Discontinued 1519

11 Greater logic (Thomist) Discontinued 1520

11 Greater logic (Scotist) Greater logic (no via) (App. 11) 1520/1521
14c) Natural phil. (Thomist) Discontinued 1520/1521
11 Logic (new translation) Elements of logic and rhetoric (App. 11) 1521

20 Rhetoric Elements of logic and rhetoric (App. 11) 1521

21 Zoology (Aristotle) Discontinued (Pliny, App. 17) 1521

11 Lesser logic (Thomist) Elements of logic and rhetoric (App. 11) 1521/1522
11 Lesser logic (Scotist) Elements of logic and rhetoric (App. 11) 1522

3 a) Ethics (Nicomachean) Discontinued 1522 or earlier
11 Greater logic (no via) Discontinued 1523

16 Physics (new translation) Discontinued (reorganised in 1535) 1523

6 Latin Grammar Elementary Latin/etc. (App. 15) 1523/1524
13 Metaphysics Logic (Dialectic) (App. 11) 1525

After intensive negotiations between the Elector and the university in June
1521, the lecture rota was heftily redefined. Further lectures were discon¬
tinued or reshaped. Aristotle’s zoology and logic (based on a new translation)
as well as Vach’s rhetoric chair were all eliminated in the process. New classes
were also introduced. The logic of the viae, slowly dying out, was replaced in
1520 by a new lectureship on the same topic not bound to any school," to which
now a new course was added on the elements of logic and rhetoric, substituting
for the Humanist course established in 1518. Greek grammar was offered on

least on the average of half-decade figures. JUNGHANS, Wittenberg fold-out diagram after 224.
Cf. Luck, Juristenfakultat, 78.

52 Cf.n. 46, above. What Kathe (Philosophische Fakultat,71., and App. 11) takes to be anew chair
in greater logic after the discontinuation of the Scotist lectureship (cf. UBW 1:100, No. 82),
Scheible (Aristoteles, 134-135.) interprets as a continuation of the Thomist lectureship. The
sources are not specific enough to settle the matter. I follow Kathe here.

53 UBW 1:111-119. (Nos 103-109).

54 Cf. n. 52, above.