OCR Output



Prof. Dr. Brigitte Geißler-Piltz

Alice Salomon Hochschule, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin. Gestalt
Therapist, Supervisor and Coach (DGSv). Teaching and research: Clinical
Social Work, Counselling, Educational/Clinical Supervision and Coaching.
Chairwoman (2010-2016) of the German Association of Supervision (DGSv).
Currently academic leader (with Dr. Monika Klinkhammer) of ASH/DGSv
certificate course “Supervision and Coaching in Social Work, Education and
Health Profession”, self-employed in private practice Supervision, Counselling,

E-mail: geissler-piltz@ash-berlin.eu

Dr. Eva Nemes

Graduate in Medicine, Certified Supervisor and Certified Executive and
Career Coach. Leader of the Postgraduate Supervision Course at Karoli Gas¬
par University Budapest since 2010. Secretary of the Association of Hungarian
Supervisors and Supervisor-Coaches (MSZCT) since 2009 and board member
of ANSE since 2010.

E-mail: nemes.eva@kre.hu

Sijtze de Roos

ANSE president and former president of the Dutch Association of Supervision
and Coaching (LVSC). Certified senior supervisor and supervision educator
and trainer of supervisors and coaches. Acted as co-founder and lecturer
at the Master Organizational Coaching of The Hague University of Applied
Sciences. Published textbooks on social work methodology and articles on
supervision and coaching in various European countries. Currently active as
organizational supervisor, policy consultant and senior editor of the Dutch
Coaching Magazine.

E-mail: sijtzederoos@gmail.com