CARMEN WOLF clients as it is done for example with the ECVision Glossary’. Professionalism in coaching covers individually varying understandings and no strict and binding commitment and standards’. This situation leads to confusion, quality issues and blurred borders between coaching and other methods which may end up in an irrevocable damage for coaching. Interest in professional providers of coaching services, standards and clear definitions of formats is increasing and makes research in coaching indispensable. Adding to this, coaching is offered technology-enhanced in form of e-coaching* which is not well researched either’. In this paper a self-e-coaching offer is introduced as a special type of e-coaching which is based on a concept derived from the Karlsruhe School". The concepts heart-piece, the change of pattern state’, is a challenge in implementation that needs to be tackled. A current study on the effect of self-ecoaching through an app on self-reflection of university students from different professions at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany will be described and first preliminary results presented’. The paper presents possible solutions on how the change of pattern state can be implemented in self-e-coaching, if it was accepted by the students, and what these results imply for coaching practitioners. CHALLENGES FOR SELF-E-COACHING The first challenge to be addressed in this paper is to find out about effect and acceptance of self-e-coaching which requires a short introduction into this format first. 2 ECVision, Product, www.anse.eu/ecvision/products.html, accessed 31 July 2015. 3 Christoph Schmidt-Lellek, The Development of Coaching as a Profession, in Deutscher Bundesverband Coaching e.V. (DBVC; German Federal Association for Executive Coaching) (ed.), Guidelines and Recommendations on the Development of Coaching as a Profession, Osnabrueck, Steinbacher Druck, 2012, 11-17, www.dbvc.de/fileadmin/user_upload/ dokumente/Coaching-Kompendium/DBVC-Kompendium_englisch.pdf, accessed 31 July 2015. * Sometimes also referred to as online-coaching, digital coaching, tele coaching, web-based coaching etc. 5 Harald Geissler - Melanie Hasenbein — Robert Wegener, E-Coaching: Prozess-und Ergebnisevaluation des “Virtuellen Zielerreichungscoachings”, Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching 20 (2) (2013) 125-142. ° “Karlsruher Schule” “Musterzustandsänderung” ® "The information result from a doctoral project of the author (Carmen Wolf) who is currently researching on the effect of a self-coaching app on result-oriented self-reflection. * 202 "