VIDEO-INTERACTION-ANALYSIS IN COACHING AND CONSULTING OF TEAMS SOUND-VIDEO-ANALYSIS In the third and last step of the analysis, the selected video sequences are being analyzed in their entirety, that is, the cooperation of the differing levels of interaction (video-image and sound). The focus hereby lies in the extraction and contrasting of the reciprocity and coaction of the non-verbal and verbal reconstructions. The previous detailed analyses of the two different levels and their structures now form the base on which the interplay and hence a new or expanded sense-making and sharpening of the latent structures takes place. Do the two observer’s positions support or contradict each other? How could that play out in the analyzed example team? An example for contradicting structures is, for example, that the non-verbal analysis detects hierarchies based on gestures and body posture as well as the positioning on the “executive chair”, whereas it was not possible to reconstruct such hierarchies, e.g. in the decision-making process, in the communicated text. In the team’s self-image options are favored over the hierarchical closure of the topic. Consequentially, the main intervention focus for the following workshop with the team resulted in the decision-making process, as described below. WORKSHOPS AS FORM OF INTERVENTION WITHIN OUR CONCEPT The results of the VIA as well as further insights from contact with the respective teams serve as the foundation for a learning and development oriented workshop, which is hence, conceptualized individually and tailored to the particular team and their current state of development. Therefore, in our current projects, the consulting of a team is preceded by an extensive analysis without the team. As described above, video recordings of a team session are being processed following a hermeneutic-reconstructive approach by a heterogenic group of analysts®. Having overcome their initial reservation the teams usually agree to the process and approach. 8D. Bayas-Linke — J. Miiller - E. Schwedhelm, Das Potenzial der Video-Interaktionsanalyse als Beratungskonzept von Griindungsteams, Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching: Band 18, Heft 4, 2011, 457-469.