VIDEO-INTERACTION-ANALYSIS IN COACHING AND CONSULTING OF TEAMS THE OBSERVER’S PERSPECTIVE OF VIA What advantages does the mere realization of such an analysis have for the consulting praxis? It creates a rather distant position of observation that permits a fresh view on the consulted team and puts some attitudes and judgments into perspective’. During the workshop the team then is invited to this observation post (Metaperspective) and can gain a view from up top onto the own conduct. By selectively leaving the confinement of the inner viewpoint, new insights and understandings can be generated, which lead to new perspectives and thereby open up new options regarding the undertaking or organization. This is very similar to the Supervisors’ practice, which are constantly forming hypotheses on the occurrences as well as the here and now from the observer’s angle. In the VIA, this takes place in a systemized way and outside of the interaction, in which the Supervisor is acting and lead the reflection process. Moreover the VIA analysis the client-system and not the consulting/supervision system, which is a main difference". The analysis is primarily geared towards the team’s interaction system by making it a part of the intervention. Nonetheless, the processes happening during the analysis are always linked with other relevant environments and contexts. Thus, the interaction system that is to be analyzed always needs to be read within the context of the undertaking or organization with all its facets and possibilities. PROCEDURE OF INTERACTION ANALYSIS IN THREE STEPS The VIA distinguishes between three levels of analysis which are being successively assessed: text (transcript), video and sound-video. At the end, a contrasting analysis of the levels text and video is being conducted using a sound-video analysis. The entire recorded interaction serves sequentially — meaning true to its emergence — as base of the analysis. During every analysis step it is necessary to maintain observant of the conjointly processed sense, ° Müller, Coaching: Biografie und Interaktion. ° A. Bergknapp, Supervision und Organisation: Zur Logik von Beratungssystemen, facultas.wuv Universitätsverlag, 2009. s 191"