DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS" PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES THROUGH SUPERVISION and excessive attention to threatening stimuli. Ihis form of self-attention is primarily focused on the past. s Emotional competence ESCO Ihe Emotional competence ESCO" guestionnaire" was put together on the model of emotional intelligence?’ and comprised 16 scales. The factor analysis of 136 items showed the existence of three latent variables: the variable of emotion perception, familiarity with emotions and emotion understanding, the variable of emotion regulation and control, and the variable of emotion expression and naming. ¢ Coping with stress The adjusted Folkman-Lazarus multidimensional scale Ways of Coping with Stress was used.”! The data were processed with the SPSS program, applying the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Scale and subscale reliability was checked with Cronbach’s alpha. In the second part of the study, focus groups were formed with four groups of teachers. The teachers in the first two groups (9 people) had participated in the supervision process, while the teachers in the second two groups (10 people) had not. The purpose of the focus groups was to highlight the most stressful moments in teachers’ lives and provide insight into their ways of stress relief methods. Qualitative methodology was applied for the processing of focus groups’ results. FINDINGS In the first part of the study, multiple hypotheses were formulated. With the first one, the author set out to determine the extent to which inclusion of teaching staff in the supervision process increased their differentiated subjective understanding of the importance of tasks and responsibilities. Whole-child development and higher-order thinking skills proved to be more essential to supervision participants than non-participants. On this scale major differences in gender were observed. The tasks were more important to female ESCQ stands for Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire, V. Taksi¢ — T. Mohorovié — M. Duran, Emotional skills and competence questionnaire (ESCQ) as a self-report measure of emotional intelligence. Psiholoska obzorja, 18, St. 3, (2009) 7-21. Ibid.; Avsec, Psihodiagnostika osebnosti. Taksi¢ et al., Emotional skills and competence questionnaire. B. Slivar, Dejavniki, strategija in ucinki spoprijemanja uciteljev s stresom, Doktorsko delo. Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za psihologijo, 2003. * 171 +