MAJA DRAZIÓ monitoring based on the presumptions of integrative supervision and action research methodology has to be established. Ihe answer on following research guestion will be provided: 1. What are the characteristics of supervision and the competencies of supervisor that are appropriate in the process of planning and implementation of internal monitoring of development projects? Especially in relation to the two new monitoring functions (the educative and the supportive one). 2. What are the weaknesses and strengths of internal monitoring and in which ways supervision contributes to its successful implementation? 3. What supervision model and what structure of supervision process should be appropriate as a form of internal monitoring of development projects? + What is the theoretical background for the methodological approach and supervision model? + What are the tasks at different supervision stages — planning, implementation and evaluation of supervision process? + Whatis the number of supervision groups and upon which criteria are the groups selected? + What are the aims and the tasks of each supervision group and what is the role of supervisor within each of them? + Whatarethe time and cost frameworks of supervision process intended as internal monitoring of cooperation development projects? BIBLIOGRAPHY BALLARD, D., Using learning processes to promote change for sustainable development, Action Research (Special Issue on Change for Sustainable Development), Vol. 3, Issue 2, June 2005, London, Sage Publications. BRADLEY, L. J. — LADANY, N., Counselor supervision, Principles, process and practice. Philadelphia, Brunner — Routledge, 2001. CARROLL, M., Counselling supervision, Theory, skills and practice, London, Sage Publications, 2004. Commission of the European Communities, A Sustainable Europe for a Better World: A European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development, Brussels, European Commission, 2001. CuMMINGS, T. C., Handbook of Organization Development, London, Sage Publications, 2008. European Commission, Aid Delivery Methods — Volume 1: Project Cycle * 160 +