s Educative function, which refers to professional development and
improvement of professional competencies and skills of supervisees;
¢ Supportive function, which refers to evaluation of cognitive and emotional
response of supervisees on professional problems. It enables them to
elaborate different ways and different perspectives in dealing with their
everyday problems from the working field.
+ Leadership function (administrative function) refers to the supervision
of the quality of professional work and it is oriented towards evaluation
of the expert’s performance within an organization with the aim of
improvement of the services provided by the organization.
Within supervision process intended as a form of internal monitoring, all of
these functions should be combined. If we consider the different settings within
which development projects take place, as well as different levels on which
supervision could be implemented, we would certainly meet the following
supervision forms, combined depending on focus, aims and purposes of mo¬
+ Supervision as managerial function takes place in an organization at an
operative level and includes the managing and controlling of defined and
communicated tasks. The supervisor is therefore part of the organizational
s Leadership supervision stands for supervising the special tasks a leading
function / role requires in the public and the non-profit sector. It focuses
on leadership performance and attitudes.
¢ Organizational supervision contributes to the effective functioning of
the organization. It takes place through regular and supervised contacts
of superiors and subordinates, and members of professional teams. The
emphasis is on reflecting the relationship between the team and the wider
organizational environment, on illuminating power positions, and on
institutional and subjective understanding of roles and tasks.
+ Team supervision focuses on team relationships, communication
boundaries, team roles, power relations and competition, the atmosphere
in the team, etc.
If we consider supervision as a form of internal monitoring, it would be
restrictive to use only one model or approach to supervision since monitor¬
ing as a setting implies a multitude of different situations (project field and
sector, collaboration with partners, strategic planning and implementation
of activities, political dimensions of project, Project Cycle Management, etc.).