HEIDEMARIE MÜLLER-RIEDLHUBER assessment of the acguired competences. A common European competence framework for Supervision and Coaching that fulfills the above mentioned criteria will support the professionalization of Supervision and Coaching and offer commonly recognized guality criteria for education and employment. BIBLIOGRAPHY AjJDUKOVIC, M. — CAJVERT, L. — Jupy, M. — KNopr, W. — KUHN, H. — MADAI, K. - VooGD, M., ECVision. A European Competence Framework of Supervision and Coaching, Wiener Volkshochschulen, Wien, 2015, 5, www.anse.eu/tl_ files/ecvision/dokuments/ECVision_Competence_Framework033015.pdf, accessed 13 October 2015. AJDUKOVIC, M. — CAJVERT, L. — Jupy, M. — KnoPpF, W. — KUHN,H. — MADAI, K. - VooGD, M., ECVision. A European Glossary ofSupervision and Coaching, Wiener Volkshochschulen, Wien 2015, 5, www.anse.eu/tl_files/ecvision/ dokuments/ECVision_Glossary.pdf, accessed 13 October 2015. CARER+ DIGITAL COMPETENCE FRAMEWORK, website: http://carerplus.eu/ developing-training/wiki/digital-competence-framework, accessed 13 October 2015. CEDEFOP: Professionalising career guidance. Practitioner competences and qualification routes in Europe, CEDEFOP Panorama Series 164, Luxembourg 2009. CIPD (Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development), www.cipd. co.uk/hr-resources/factsheets/competence-competency-frameworks.aspx, accessed 13 October 2015. ECVET portal, www.ecvet-toolkit.eu/, accessed 14 October 2015. ELGPN portal, www.elgpn.eu/, accessed 13 October 2015. EUROGUIDANCE, web portal, http://euroguidance.eu/, accessed 13 October 2015. EUROPEAN COMMISSION, ECTS information at the website of the European Commission, http://ec.europa.eu/education/tools/ects_de.htm, accessed 14 October 2015. EUROPEAN COMMISSION, EQF portal, http://ec.europa.eu/ploteus/en/content/ descriptors-page, accessed 14 October 2015. EUROPEAN COMMISSION, EUROPE 2020 web portal, http://ec.europa.eu/ europe2020/europe-2020-in-a-nutshell/priorities/index_en.htm, accessed 13 October 2015. * 148 +