OCR Output


by the European Union in Brussels to appear on their website dedicated to
Self-Regulated industries”.*°
The Kompetenzprofil fiir Beratende (Competence profile for counselling
practitioners) distinguishes six competence groups, each of which has one or
more subordinated detailed competences. The competence profile has been
developed by a group of researchers and experts from the Nationales Forum
Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung (National Guidance Forum for
Education, Career and Employment) and from the Ruprecht-Karls-University
of Heidelberg. The author emphasize that the framework offers:
s a self-assessment tool for competences in counselling and guidance for
practitioners and a basis for further vocational development
+ orientation for guidance organisaitons in recruiting
¢ support in defining curricula and in developing (further) education and
training offers
s orientation for decision makers and stakeholders at policy level with
regard to the quality of counselling and guidance practitioners in the
field of education, career and employment
¢ abasis for research in the field of competence description, validation and
recognition in the context of counselling and guidance
s a basis for developing information material such as check lists, databases,
registers and for identifying professional guality in the field of counselling
and guidance
While the Kompetenzprofil für Beratende is written in German, the ECVision
Competence Framework of Supervision and Coaching is available in several
languages. It has been developed on a peer- and expert-review basis, and is
distributed across Europe by the ANSE * network. It took into account inputs
from several European countries and two of the most important standards in
the field of competence and learning outcome descriptions, the EQF and Bloom’s
Taxonomy”. Furthermore, the ECVision performance criteria correspond with
the CEDEFOP definition of assessment criteria and thus serve as “guidelines
providing transparent communication of both self-assessment and assessment
by qualified others”.** Thus, the performance criteria defined in the ECVision
Competence Framework for Supervision and Coaching can be understood as
observable competence-related behavior.

Quotation from EMCC website: www.emccouncil.org/eu/en/about/regulation, accessed 15
October 2015.

Association of National Organizations for Supervision in Europe, www.anse.eu.

See: Ajdukovic, M. et al., ECVision. A European Competence Framework, 5.

383 Ibid, 7.

* 146 +