OCR Output


could fulfil its decelerating function. Since "Supervision provides ample
space and time to reflect professional functioning in complex situations”
it has to throw a spanner in the works. Which methods and tools would
be helpful to create a decelerated space for reflexion? How could clients
accept and bear a regulated environment shutting out smart devices? And
will there be clients buying this form of counselling? Or will customers
demand instant and short seguences of counselling?

c) If supervision has to ‘throw a spanner in the works’ the ethical and political
dimension of supervision is coming up: What is the task and goal of
‘good’ supervision? Is it critical reflection of acceleration and availability
or support of adaption to acceleration and permanent communication?
It is necessary to take up a stance, and a deprecative position endangers
supervision to be perceived as antiquated and technophobic while
coaching (search App-stores for coaching apps!) is booming. Has Euro¬
pean supervision a common position towards this topic?


American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders: DSM-S, Arlington, 2013.

ANSE, ECVision. A European Glossary of Supervision and Coaching, Wien, 2014.

BAETHGE, Anja — RicoTtT1, Thomas, Arbeitsunterbrechungen und Multitasking.
Ein umfassender Uberblick zu Theorien und Empirie unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung von Altersdifferenzen, Dortmund, Bundesanstalt für
Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2010.

GOFFMAN, Erving, Asylums. Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients
and other Inmates, Chicago, 1961.

HARWOOD, Joshua — DOOLEY, Julian J. — Scott, Adrian J. — JOINER, Richard,
Constantly connected — The Effects of Smart Devices on Mental Health, in
Computers in Human Behaviour, Elsevier, Vol 34, May 2014, 267-272.

Knop, Karin — HEFNER, Dorothée — SCHMITT, Stefanie — VORDERER,
Peter, Mediatisierung mobil. Handy- und Internetnutzung von Kindern
und Jugendlichen, Leipzig (Vistas), Schriftenreihe Medienforschung der
Landesanstalt fiir Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen (Lf{M), Band 77, 2015.

KRAFTFAHRT-BUNDESAMT (ed.), Jahresbericht 2011, Flensburg, 2012.

23 ANSE, ECVision. A European Glossary of Supervision and Coaching, Wien, 2014, 16.

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