OCR Output


disorder (DSM-5: 481): “Other excessive behavioural patterns, such as Inter¬
net gaming, have also been described, but the research on these and other
behavioral syndromes is less clear. Thus, groups of repetitive behaviors, which
some term behavioral addictions [...] are not included because at this time there
is insufficient peer-reviewed evidence to establish the diagnostic criteria and
course descriptions needed to identify these behaviors as mental disorders.”
The blurring of boundaries and intensification — by other’s or one’s own
means — might evoke psychological strains“ as for example
+ fears:
— Loss of social affiliation and identity ("FoMO", see above)
— Loss of control/self-efficacy
— Injury/violation (loss of device)
¢ desire for gratification and social distinction
s promise of autonomy (independence of place and time)
+ permanent competition (man vs. man/man vs. machine)
¢ pressure of group conformity and instant communication
¢ hazarding of self destruction despite knowing better
¢ rumination and changed self perception of ineffectiveness
+ limiting the use as a permanent task of self-steering
+ Since nearly every western country prohibits mobile device use while
driving several European countries meanwhile also found legal regulations
for workplace risk assessments including psychosocial hazards. But in
practice it is found to be difficult to measure and evaluate these hazards
as already shown above. So the usual organisational way to cope with
these hazards is to individualize them: The individual is subjected to the
problem and often has to find a way to deal with the hazards. This is a
task supervision and coaching can assist in finding the way. They offer
reflection of self-organisation and self-endangerment, cooperation, norms
within a group and the use of technical devices in general. Supervision
works as a decelerator and interrupter of a ‘24/7 here-and-now‘imposed
on us by mobile communication. It is a kind of dead spot inspiring to
reflect there-and-then, i.e. past and future, experience, strategy and
situational self-steering.

4° Walpuski, Always on.

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