FRANK ÁUSTERMANN guestion: What cant I do more rapidly? Not because my performance would not suffice but, because the activities due to their very guality cannot be improved by being done more rapidly. Nobody can dream more rapidly, hope more rapidly or love more rapidly. COACHING — AN APPEAL AND INCITEMENT TO SELF-CARE IN TIMES OF ACCELERATION In our times of acceleration, I think it is crucial that coaching serves as an appeal to self-care, is an incitement to it. This includes, inter alia, that coaching promotes critical reflection, that it is in line with the practice of freedom and that it makes coaches and coachees more mindful, more courageous and more critical. Thus I wish to focus on two questions at the very end of my presentation: Does the interaction between coachees and coachs makes them more mindful, more courageous and more critical? Or does coaching simply lead to an optimized adaptation of both, the coachee and the coach? I wish to thank Martin Brockmann, graduate translator, for his help concerning the translation of my article. BIBLIOGRAPHY AUSTERMANN, Frank, Coaching, das Personal entwickelt, Personen ausschließt und Personenentwicklung instrumentalisiert. Ein diskursanalytischer Blick auf Schreyöggs Beratungsverständnis und ihren Rückgriff auf Neubergers ‘Personalentwicklung’, Forum Supervision — Zeitschrift für Beratungswissenschaft und Supervision, 2013. AUSTERMANN, Frank, Schneller zuhören geht nicht — und auch nicht beschleunigt beraten. Telefonseelsorge und Supervision in Zeiten sozialer Beschleunigung, Supervision, 2012, 37-41. FOUCAULT, Michel, Die Ethik der Sorge um sich als Praxis der Freiheit, in Michel Foucault, Analytik der Macht, Frankfurt am Main, 2015, 274-300. FOUCAULT, Michel, Der Mut zur Wahrheit, Frankfurt am Main, 2012. FOUCAULT, Michel, Die Hermeneutik des Subjekts, Frankfurt am Main, 2009. FOUCAULT, Michel, Die Sorge um sich, Frankfurt am Main, 1989. FOUCAULT, Michel, Was ist Kritik? Berlin, 1982. * 122 +