RISKS AND SIDE EFFECTS OF SUPERVISION This leads us to the following conclusions: ¢ For supervisors: As one cannot avoid risks in dealing with people and it is impossible not to make mistakes — be self-aware and mistake-friendly: Ask your supervisees for feedback of the process and if there is criticism, reflect it — best with other supervisors! ¢ For the supervision-training institutes: Select your students well and take a careful look at their personality. It is important to improve the selfawareness in the supervision courses and learn about the difficult sides of each personality. Reflection of supervisory ethics should be the rule. Include data like this in your supervision-training courses and discuss them with the students. s For the scientific community: Take a look at the dark field and provide data for evaluation and critical self-reflection. BIBLIOGRAPHY ANSE, ECVision, Ein Europäisches Glossar für Supervision und Coaching, 2014, www.anse.eu/tl_files/ecvision/dokuments/ECVision_Glossar_deutsch _ englisch.pdf, accessed 18 July 2015. DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR SUPERVISION (ed.), Der Nutzen von Supervision, 2007, www.uni-kassel.de/upress/online/OpenAccess/978-3-89958-602-6. OpenAccess.pdf, accessed 18 July 2015. EHRHARDT, Jutta — PETZOLD, Hilarion G., Wenn Supervisionen schaden — explorative Untersuchungen im Dunkelfeld “riskanter supervisorischer Praxis”, Supervision: Theorie — Praxis — Forschung, 3 (2014), www.fpipublikation.de/images/stories/downloads/supervision/ehrhardt-petzoldwenn-supervisionen-schaden-_explorative-untersuchungen-riskantepraxis-03-2014.pdf, accessed 20 July 2015. GOTTFRIED, Kurt, Supervision in Psychiatrischen Kliniken: Eine europäische empirische Multicenter-Vergleichs-Studie Fallsupervision versus Teamsupervision, Hamburg, Dr. Kovac Verlag, 2012. HaugL, Rolf - HAUSINGER, Brigitte (eds.), Supervisionsforschung: Einblicke und Ausblicke, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009. HINTERWALLNER, Heidemarie, (Un)Erwünschte Wirkungen von Supervision in der sozialen Arbeit, Diplomarbeit Masterlehrgang Klinische Soziale Arbeit FH Campus Wien, 2010, http://permalink.obvsg.at/fcw/AC08287895, accessed 11 August 2015. - 109 +