routine practice, and thus, identify the possibly best mediator variables from
‘practice-based evidence’.’”
What do we know from “practice-based evidence”? We have repeated findings
showing that the ability to establish and maintain the supervision relationship
is probably the single most important requirement of effective supervision."
Effective experts have empathy, support, flexibility, instruction, knowledge, in¬
terest in supervision, good tracking of supervisees, are interpretative, respectful,
focused and practical. They care about the supervisee’s self-confidence and the
relationship itself. Feedback is another essential component of supervision,
supporting the supervisee in becoming aware of strengths and weaknesses.
Effective supervisors apply covert strategies to support learning, and they even
sometimes reframe questions so the wrong answer becomes correct. The third
possible component of the emerging “practice-based” model is be the active
learning approach. Effective supervisors give responsibilities and opportunities
to carry out procedures; they offer involvement and give directions. The
supervisee has therefore control over the supervision process, positioned as
‘an active participant, instead of being the passive recipient of support’.’®
The last two decades have seen emphasis on measurable outputs, rationalised
service, efficiency, effectiveness, performance management and quality
assurance. This created new priorities which filtered into the supervision
process. The new focus on best practice has created a renewed conversation about
professional practice and new opportunities for debate.”° Discussions of case
related practice in the areas of personal and professional development are vital
in support of professional practice and client outcome. A reflective approach is
essential to bring together theory, tacit knowledge and transformative personal
experience.”! Research continues, and each practitioner, client, supervisor
7 F, R. Margison — G. McGrath — M. Barkham — J. Mellor Clark — K. Audin — J. Connell ¬
C. Evans, Measurement and psychotherapy: Evidence based practice and practice-based
evidence, British Journal of Psychiatry 177 (2000) 123-130.
Henderson, P., A Different Wisdom: Reflections on Supervision Practice: Guide to Supervision,
Volume 1, Karnac, 2009.
1% Davys, 2005.
M. Carroll — M. Tholstrup, Integrative Approaches to Supervision, London, Jessica Kingsley,
J. Fook — F. Gardner, Practising Critical Reflection: A Handbook, Open University Press, Lon¬
don, 2007.