a semi-structured guestionnaire, which is a high response rate of 53, 7 per¬
cent. In this sample 19 percent reported no or a low level of effectiveness of
their supervision and only 37 percent reported high level effectivity and a good
and very good guality of their supervision, and the rest just middle and poor
effectivity. Ihis is not a good performance being attested to supervision by the
Another part of a field multi-centre study was realised by Gabriele Hollmann.
She uses a guestionnaire from Germany and collected guantitative data
concerning expectations and experiences of the supervision with volunteers
and their supervisors in telephone emergency in Austria. Her results show
that supervision represents a high value for the volunteers. Ihey experience
a high effect in their work at the telephone. Ihe experiences of the volunteers
in supervision are geared to the resources and the groups of supervisions
are significant “konvois”. The professional and field competence is much
appreciated. A standardised written fixation of supervision for all telephone
institutions seems necessary.
Tim Sturm has written a master-thesis about job burnout in the field of IT.
In this empirical research, the data of 1155 participants were analysed. Sturm
was using the items of the Maslach Burnout Inventory as well as characteristics
of work-related data in the IT, the modes of professional reflection and an
identity questionnaire (the “five pillars of identity”) to determine the prevalence
of burnout in the German and Austrian IT industry as well as to explore
opportunities for burnout prevention. The theoretical part deals with the
phenomenon of burnout, working conditions and burdens of the IT industry,
types of vocational reflection, core concepts of the Integrative Theory and
ways of preventing burnout through coaching and supervision. The empirical
part describes the online survey, the study and insightful results in detail.
The relationship between burnout and burnout prevention through coaching,
supervision, and the five pillars of identity is clarified.
Gregor Paul Hoffmann’s theoretical thesis tries to transfer the concept
of resilience from individuals to organisations: The term is used in multiple
disciplines, but there is little consensus regarding what resilience is and what
it could mean for organizations. This master thesis tries to find answers to the
question whether Supervision and Coaching are able to contribute to achieve
greater resilience in organisations.
Some thesis we clustered on the topic of risks and side effects of supervision,
— which brought a diverse view on the topic (see article Schigl in this book).
These valuable efforts make it possible, that we now have empirical data on this