OCR Output


The results of the conducted analysis of variance show that there were significant
differences between supervisors practicing in different professional fields in
evaluations of the attainability of the expedience and practicality value (F (5,
22) = 2.77, p < .05). The results of Post-hoc tests using Turkey HSD show that
evaluations of the attainability of such value as expedience and practicality
are lower in the group of supervisors practicing in the field of art therapy than
in the group of supervisors who practice in the field of social work (p < .05).

In order to establish whether there are differences in evaluations of the
importance and the attainability of personal values of practicing supervisors
and if so, then in regards to which values, Students t-test was used.

In Table 3 the descriptive and inferential statistics for evaluations of the
importance and the attainability of personal values of practicing supervisors
are shown.

Importance Attainability

Value M SD M SD t p

Relationships with people 4.75 44 4.14.89 3.51 .00
Financial stability, materially secure life 4.14 65 3.14 .65 6.15 .00
Influence 2.89 .83 343.63 -2.95 .01
standing the Universe, 3.29 12 343 110 56 58
Cognition and discovering the truth 4.04 .84 3.46 1.07 2.66 .01
Innovation and creativity 4,21 74 3.82 .72 2.65 .01
Expediency and practicality 3.82 .77 3.79 .63 .24 .81
Beauty of art 3.64 .95 3.89.88 -1.66 .11
Giving help and support to other people 4.39 .69 414 .76 1.76 .09
Self — discovery 4.57 .57 4.14 .85 2.47 .02
Transcendence 3.39 1.34 3.18 .86 1.00 .33
Power 2.36 .56 3.11 .79 -4.70 .00

Table 3. Descriptive and inferential statistics for evaluations of the importance and
the attainability of personal values of practicing supervisors

The results show that for supervisors evaluations of the importance are higher
than evaluations of attainability for such values as relationships with people
(p = .00), financial stability and materially secure life (p = .00), cognition and
discovering the truth (p = .01), innovation and creativity (p = .01), self-discovery

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