RESEARCH ON CONSULTING — WITH, FOR OR AGAINST PRACTICE? Questions on research relating to the coach-client interaction were posed as well, for example about the influence of the coach’s speech behaviour or about the acquisition and analysis of the coachee’s emotional condition. In addition, the experts wished for a comparison of the different coaching approaches and methods and wanted to know which tools have proven reliable, which ones are used in practice and whether (and if so, how) coaches change these over the course of time, and whether the efficacy of coaching can be increased in combination with other human resources development measures (for instance training courses or the use of 360° feedback). On an organisational level, experts ask for research support relating to the efficacy requirements of coaching: how can coaching be successfully implemented within organisations? Which supporting framework conditions must be in place? What role is played by the organisational and leadership culture? Which (possibly latent) aims does an organisation pursue by implementing coaching? What positive and negative examples are there for the implementation of coaching within organisations? Additionally, the participants wanted to know more about the competencies of those who are responsible for coaching within an organisation and how well matched are the companies’ coaching pools and the organisational requirements. Diagnostic instruments and evaluation tools The development of diagnostic instruments which better facilitate the planning and adaption of coaching to the needs of the coachees and the organisation should also be aspired towards, in accordance with the understanding of the experts. This would allow for the implementation of appropriate methods based upon these. Furthermore, there is a need for measuring instruments which indicate the success of coaching, such as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI), biofeedback relating to work-life balance — not just for the coachee but also for the coach and the organisation and/or internal controlling. The experts wish for evaluation tools for quality measurement which make observable the professionalism of coaching. These should be easy to use. The experts think that well-researched coaching can be a marketing tool when it comes to selling coaching as well. + 49 +