OCR Output


Alvesson", Küh! or von Amelnÿ, is that consulting fulfils many latent functions
for an organisation but when it comes to matters of expediency; it is completely
insignificant whether or not what is provided is scientifically sound.

Currently the movement seems to be more about the joining and fusing of
single formats, as shown by the discussion about fluent transitions between
expert and process consulting®. Rappe-Giesecke!° describes the “Sowohl-als¬
auch” (“both this and that”) approach to consulting and instruction which is
indicated in various fields of consulting. Even the separation of life coaching
on the one hand and business coaching on the other, which had always been
artificial at best, cannot in general be maintained. Fluent transitions between
consulting formats and consulting methods are what determine the current
discourse. It is these transitions which may include the most interesting aspects.
For consulting research, this means letting go of an ostensible safety net in this
most complex of endeavours. We must be careful not to get confused by this
transformed complexity and, in a rescue attempt — understood as a necessary
reaction — act in a haphazard manner, following the motto “anything goes” or
to work with out-dated clichés.


Scherf! suggests the use of what he himself admits to be a rough and simplified
structure on the different consulting literature. He distinguishes four different
groups of consulting literature.

First of all he mentions the category “articles by consultants”. This group
features practical guidebooks, texts from practice for practice and also case
descriptions, which give a templated image of consulting processes by means
of known project phases and put particular emphasis on the success of the
work performed. “The authors of these articles do not concern themselves with

° M. Alvesson — D. Karreman, Unraveling HRM: Identity, Ceremony, and Consulting in a Ma¬
nagement Consulting Firm, Organization Science, 18 (4) (2007) 711-723.

S. Kühl, Coaching und Supervision: Zur personenorientierten Beratung in Organisationen,
Wiesbaden, VS Verlag fiir Sozialwissenschaften, 2008.

F. v. Ameln, Latente Funktionen von Organisationsberatung — Beratungswissenschaftliche
Perspektive, in Haubl, R. - Möller, H. — Schiersmann, C., (ed.), Positionen, Beiträge zur
Beratung in der Arbeitswelt, Kassel, Kassel University Press, 2014/1.

R. Königswieser (ed.), Komplementärberatung, Das Zusammenspiel von Fach- und Proze߬
Know-how, Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2006.

10 K. Rappe-Giesecke, Karriereberatung, Bergisch-Gladbach, EHP, 2008.

M. Scherf, Strukturen der Organisationsberatungsinteraktion, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 2010.