WOLFGANG KNOPF . The competence framework is of great importance to providers of training programs, using it to describe curricula in terms of learning outcomes. It may moreover be applied to compare their curricula nationally as well as cross border, to ascertain the competences of their trainers and metasupervisors, and to guarantee, as far as possible, the quality of the staff. Supervisors and coachees may use the competence framework for selfassessment and further education. Human resource managers can use the competence framework as a checklist to asses their proposals when dealing with consultants. National organizations for supervision and coaching can apply the competence framework to adjust standards and to initiate and improve quality management. It is also desirable to make use of the framework on national policy level, for instance in policy discussions regarding the EQF (European Qualification Framework) and the NQF (National Qualification Framework). The scientific community can use ECVision outcomes as a starting point for research and to further the systematic of their research terminology. Module 1: General Introduction Module 2: Using the ECVision Glossary for disambiguation Module 3: Using the EC Vision Competence Framework and Competence Matrix in reformulating standards Module 4: Using the ECVision Competence Framework for Describing Curricula in Learning Outcomes Module 5: Using the ECVision Competence Framework for (Self-) Assessment Module 6: Using the ECVision Checklist in HRM + 38 +