OCR Output


ANSE accepts and respects these differences. Ihey are often seen as the
weakness of Europe, but ANSE prefers to understand them as the power of
our continent and our people. Ihe challenge is to acknowledge diversity and
simultaneously endeavour to understand each other; preferably in one and the
same move. To identify and formulate research objects and outcomes, however
diverse, we reguire a shared (scientific) language. Naturally, such a common
language has to be developed ‘on the road’, as it were. But we do have the means
to do this: the ECVision Manual’.

The EC Vision Glossary guarantees comparability of terms, definitions and
legal frameworks, and the EC Vision Competence Matrix offers comparability
of supervisory competences and qualifications by describing these in learning
outcomes. Active use of these documents all over Europe, by training institutes,
in national and trans-national quality development and in research, would not
only enhance cross border exchange and understanding, but also help to create
a common European understanding of our diverse and colourful trade.

This book already offers us insight in the rich possibilities of research on
supervision and coaching. ANSE is therefore proud to hereby present it.

Sijtze de Roos
President ANSE


Jupy, Michaela - KNope, Wolfgang (eds.), EC Vision. Supervision and Coaching
in Europe: Concepts and Competences, Vienna, ANSE, 2015.

Jupy, Michaela -— Knopr, Wolfgang (eds.), In the Mirror of Competences —
Supervision and Coaching in Europe. Concepts and Competences // Im Spiegel
der Kompetenzen — Supervision und Coaching in Europa. Konzepte und
Kompetenzen. Vienna, Facultas, 2016.

2 Ibid., see also, Michaela Judy — Wolfgang Knopf (eds.), In the Mirror of Competences —
Supervision and Coaching in Europe. Concepts and Competences // Im Spiegel der Kompetenzen
— Supervision und Coaching in Europa. Konzepte und Kompetenzen, Vienna, Facultas, and the
various national translations of the ECVision Manual, 2016.
