OCR Output

Cultural Production of the Real Through Picturing Difference in the Polish Media: 1940s—1960s

among ideological or emancipatory aspirations forming the base of influence of the
media within whose reach we live.

To summarize this chapter, let me revisit the words of Jacques Derrida: “Origin
of the experience of space and time, this writing of difference, this fabric of the
trace, permits the difference between space and time to be articulated, to appear as
such, in the unity of an experience (of a “same” lived out of a “same” body proper
[corps proper])” (1997: 66). Adapting this idea to visual issues led us to the follow¬
ing conclusion. All the visual material presented here as showing opposite sides—
the nature of dividing lines, the distance between the observer and the observed,
the medium itself, strategies of immediacy, and the level of production of the real
consequently can be brought into assumption that of all of them depict the visual
maps of relationship between the parts. According with this way of thinking, the
visual data reflect the creation of the new forms of visuality as a kind of play of
difference characteristic to Poland. In contrast to the previous years, the number
of images (including the number of images never experienced directly) increased,
the types of media multiplied, and the space occupied by the images enlarged. It
resulted in a process of constructing identity increasingly by means of images.


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