OCR Output

Institute of Ethnology
Research Centre for the Humanities
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology
Polish Academy of Sciences
LHarmattan Kiadó
1053 Budapest,
Kossuth L. u. 14-16.
Tel.: (+36-1) 267-59-79, Fax: (+36-1) 328-09-19

Graphic design and cover: Albert Salamon
Typesetting: Andrzej Zabrowarny
Linguistic editor: Paula Douglass

Proofreading: Paula Douglass

The primitive nature and the refined culture
Peteris Kundzins, Zieruvens 1915

electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording

© L'Harmattan, 2013

HU ISBN 978-963-236-706-4